To connect SalesGRID to your Zoom account, ensure that you are both administrator of your Zoom account and SalesGRID administrator. 

Your Zoom license needs to be Pro or higher. 

The SalesGRID Zoom Integration only needs to be set up once by a Zoom administrator for all SalesGRID users to be able to add their Zoom meeting transcripts to deals, and all SalesGRID administrators to add any Zoom transcript in the Zoom account.

Zoom Account Settings

As the Zoom Account administrator, ensure that Zoom meetings are recorded to the cloud, and that recordings automatically have transcripts created.

AD 4nXexdsRw38iwqakUPtMqZHx3eOvMfl8he Nas CW C WbQaFHyEvj17ncGR1YN6TTixfywqGwthhwxLcGSKQ6X JlTa3MX28GwyOCogdwBA dV6gEDbBQ1sB78NhVC lIQL2u6PS DxSGPM10 vFa6c5uGTe?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

Setting Up the SalesGRID Zoom Integration

Login to SalesGRID as an administrator

Navigate to “My Company” via the User Menu on the top right

AD 4nXdmwX rI7UYmxQp2i9OoNRyrFKeg0KzWrDK3nZhvkAVaFYwCo8ENwqU52 1IUKwuWqsNaaeQVwy1xTM2X5D2XSWSJTSwt LPNIL9vJmejoyEznISScsGxPhxldhArBde2GtR8Pm9Z6RK3q9wLVt80QNIP4a?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

Click on the “Connect Zoom” button in the Navigation Bar

AD 4nXdyt4zLxf4wNeTt83uq2FPLhl6AmcqDmzbDXEveEjgowmyWBx13qzYdDCIDhmlqv0wRVhKxH91xToIdA4xNLRB0EKZ1w CeE2ySgjKl4IuUYFeLAAl3eEyE243RQuKRaUQxOjKH2NWl28n3uMI81t9 bQs?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

A dialog will appear to authorise the SalesGRID Zoom Integration to access Zoom data  

AD 4nXcaIV3ke1O0mwkbEjsZDXtJFoEhWaRwABJs1mB62Hfc0EDY0j91oMP7f78MX2FNeWYM3gFy21lsI4RArnVvoSOWco85L1vgfkQe6xQROsMt7gdm5I1jM4Me0Mpp4WKOzZASnkRajHGlOHr7VCq73031Ssgw?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

Once you allow the connection, the Zoom Integration is set up.


The Zoom Integration allows SalesGRID users to add any transcript of a Zoom cloud recording to SalesGRID deals. SalesGRID users are able to add Zoom meeting transcripts of meetings that they hosted to deals, andSalesGRID administrators are able add any Zoom meeting transcript for the whole Zoom account.

To add Zoom transcripts to a Deal, click on “+ Add Deal Content” and pick the Zoom tab.

AD 4nXf bKT4pY1A8zP4u3 4lKNAyZNfZayu6oqt9l5yJe81A7Hx8IwRxDHjrJLyqaUF1BB7PEE1zYbU6dHC3QDsEjDknoRqdw2dPM VexlfH9zpvmTxhAeiKCtcKPtIZN6nJoel0L ts8SrhTYHfrpAk YXP3Y?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

A list of Zoom cloud recordings with transcripts is given. If the cloud recording does not have a transcript, or the transcription is not finished, the meeting will not appear in the drop-down. Select the appropriate meeting transcript.

AD 4nXd HlLTdy18QTBGAndE5zzx5 VfskVFZ4lr0sjAiwRHgn q1bQljRAtmVDnzeJw 1r6fhNjcUVa60 X OCb4uHxiyrdHu iygyFRGtCuW0iM mqxr hTIXGKohbtZc7uH7VArvA6ij1LqHKmo0t0q5s72Xp?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

Now you can add the transcript as Deal Content. The transcripts will appear in the Deal Content list with badge “Zoom”

AD 4nXe4 lTeQJyFLh0kBITZsEtR3vjq17vikeYgoIfTtOxqlKj9eYAgHctOHz8NpjcrpTojo3R SC1ho0i n71qarRNw6ragiFm83uCyWY9luYJ3VZnPgij2ta gR80bVlCpxF87ji9sqPj9hclllM dzzKT78?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

Zoom transcripts have the same features as any other deal content, and can now be used by Savvy to answer questions about the deal or execute hot prompts.

Removing the SalesGRID Zoom Integration

Removing the App is similar to adding the app.

Login to SalesGRID as an administrator

Navigate to “My Company” via the User Menu on the top right

AD 4nXdmwX rI7UYmxQp2i9OoNRyrFKeg0KzWrDK3nZhvkAVaFYwCo8ENwqU52 1IUKwuWqsNaaeQVwy1xTM2X5D2XSWSJTSwt LPNIL9vJmejoyEznISScsGxPhxldhArBde2GtR8Pm9Z6RK3q9wLVt80QNIP4a?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

Click on the “Disconnect Zoom” button in the Navigation Bar

AD 4nXeUrqgM0S1uUAdSr7R xTOEi dG6yfTRzBspNTjXdlDiY1DP er6jSiOvegS SX4stKogC3C4Tj1u Q3Haun3Qfj8Nd1X5IF4IUegpTc3SzwGEknjgeWuuyqZEzmlw3NQHquTwerulnPe2ZGDs4Hui0mNE?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

Existing Zoom Deal content will remain in SalesGRID. The users will no longer be able to add new Deal Zoom Content. The Zoom tab will be greyed out.

AD 4nXdET0 Cdn1rCACWfqmMUtHQysqGKuuWCYZ9dIphLfRlGwe6HXRz OlUEnTfC9a2ICuXdEMRijsDkNl7bMaWEIUyhdd6jEplzdcVWTZccD7 ntCJjAL bvVyaVIUg9Bop XbxBnlJHBc1FHdM76mYZlGxqVs?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg


Meeting doesn’t appear

There are several reasons why a meeting may not appear in the dropdown of Zoom transcripts.

The meeting wasn’t recorded to the cloud

Log into your Zoom account on the browser. Navigate to “My Account”, “Recordings & Transcripts.” Ensure that the meeting was recorded to the cloud and appears under “Cloud recordings”

AD 4nXcgDlBSljcTaUAL66lOtOsVfV56gjMKTxPl2f2F5khuO5sOJuLpabPdI63OT7xg8hpcDOyZrvlKqzQBAhHGxQT1CNTJXt3V8lBDZbqNAncXtmIiPRu22ZQBzZZXPqibFgUA7vf vK8VOD8YZlrq7bCekTEZ?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

The meeting was not automatically transcribed

Zoom does not automatically transcribe all cloud recordings. The Zoom administrator needs to enable this functionality as described under “Zoom Account Settings.” To check whether your cloud recording has a transcript

Log into your Zoom account on the browser. Navigate to “My Account”, “Recordings & Transcripts.” 

Click on a Cloud recording meeting

Check that one of the recording is the Audio transcript

AD 4nXfNSpr SuCq4CJBJ8n Uwry0auCYNoVl2IoXj9 LfrUeaIixXIfhrE1wKAwK6GQ4OdIScMiPB6ifbzbdDcQ8sEcxdiO2vgTBptPQ4Blo uHwKQXYZ28hIq4kbUmxLpChcwz3w2gyZumH tpmLnlva3scKw?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

The transcription is not ready yet

Transcribing a meeting is done offline by Zoom. This may take some time until the transcript is ready. To check whether the transcript is ready

Log into your Zoom account on the browser. Navigate to “My Account”, “Recordings & Transcripts.” 

Click on a Cloud recording meeting

Check that one of the recordings is the Audio transcript, and it is not still transcribing. This means it is still being processed. Check later to see if transcription is finished.

AD 4nXfRswNgJNsZ81rwvblQpRax9Vx5TzUQQRukHAyOhFFlMTRh9NGs7KDGusv3tsGTkVbbRnBbHeRb9LvxYthokV0iuxMvPXTZWBj4pgDzDh57tKMHxlK7PNn JvNp 2VvzYxEXbLXXOd I3k8Lq3Poh4Bu4aO?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

You are a SalesGRID user and you are not the host of the meeting 

As a SalesGRID user you can only see the meetings that you have hosted yourself. To check whether you hosted the meeting, find it in the list of Recordings & Transcripts. 

Log into your Zoom account on the browser. Navigate to “My Account”, “Recordings & Transcripts.” 

If the meeting is listed there, then you were the host.

AD 4nXdhmC1yXvdNU1tl6RFnsERC4k8hldwvBJ of9 2 fVwb kKGhdGWO8vpS3gfE34Ij8k E9u5Kmnkq6YGD g9kL8vmXNEdeQb9REEnxy0CAImmwofxqKmfTm5C6QCUhfNKXuZL4da0HNUmaRMNl1x7GOmf4E?key=J41GAJVey7xCQ TpQ21 eg

Integration Stops Working

If for some reason the integration stops working, the first thing to try is to disconnect and reconnect the Zoom Integration. Follow the steps described above. If this does not solve the issue, please contact SalesGRID support.

Contact Support

To contact SalesGRID support, please send an email to