Salesforce Connector

October 11, 2024: The Salesforce connector is now available to connect SalesGRID Deals to Salesforce Opportunity records.

It links the sales process stages of Salesforce to stages in SalesGRID, and connects Salesforce opportunities to SalesGRID deals.

Connecting Salesforce to your SalesGRID account allows seamless working with Salesforce opportunities in SalesGRID. It removes the need for tedious and error prone duplicate data entry, and keeps your sales data in sync at all times.

In detail, the connector performs the following operations:
– Fetches The Sales process stages from Salesforce and adds them to a designated SalesGRID playbook; if stages with the same name already exist in the SalesGRID playbook, then those stages are linked to the corresponding Salesforce stages; this process is done automatically during the initial connection. Updates to the Salesforce process stages can be manually fetched at any point later on.
– Fetches all Salesforce opportunities of a user and adds them to the SalesGRID deals; if deals with the same name already exist in SalesGRID, then those deals are linked to the corresponding Salesforce opportunities; any changes to the Salesforce opportunities automatically update in SalesGRID in real-time. Examples of changes are stage, owner, or opportunity name changes

To connect the two systems is the job of a Salesforce and SalesGRID administrator. First a Connected App needs to be created in Salesforce. Then the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret of the Connected App need to be added to SalesGRID, which then initiates fetching of the stages into a designated playbook.

Once the systems are connected by the administrators, SalesGRID users can now link their Salesforce account to their SalesGRID account via OAuth. Once they give permission for SalesGRID to access Salesforce on their behalf, their opportunities are added to the designated SalesGRID playbook under the “Deals” tab.

Administrator – Connect Salesforce to SalesGRID

Set up Salesforce Connected App

Go to Setup -> App Manager->New Connected App

AD 4nXcaH5A ItoVz3FnOQXRV1PZKfZ56ojElOraRq7olqPslaiUtKLtBJ fpRmfvYk8YFYlGkUeRbLJCMUejI7Xs9pZEn7XrYX HAxhS5VFxEf6fB7WlMqD

And fill out the form as per below

Note the Callback URL =

It will take approximately 10 minutes for Salesforce to finish registration for Connected App. After this delay, Click “Manage Consumer Details”

AD 4nXcLhtBep1CusSIbtQZ4s10D BMznZ0nvj6jaHAt2b4BXHQzrsyx cZjv6Dn4I3RdvyLPXpfDNM4BasyypI0RyYUX5fZT5KOacwZfEZ n oIZ6goeKgN9w2lhINOTJ4x JkswSZv Q20GOrnU0ITornFSi4U?key=7F6omckHpq3qRd9q9kjzfQ

Take note of Consumer Key and Consumer Secret

Configure SalesGRID

Go to User Menu -> MyCompany ->  Connect Salesforce

AD 4nXcrDYuR8LwMNeVqcAd6KKjw cQSQM6CVEMYdMFJb ygfcrvd iKgGDRPo9StbvXHs864 E2fB4QPuYtg9zzhNUP D3Db5epMCInJPzhdJhBC aKHTwbhSwJ86KElwupnoMof87 vLjasc0j96 pEM8Q9gs?key=7F6omckHpq3qRd9q9kjzfQ

This will take you through the connection wizard

AD 4nXdfSxpbzoSviji2EF7uT87CMA52WvsE3juvOJGfvbq5pz28vPp475OR9u4rjR EDDq3xUS19IrFO6RhQj V7Etqr29VbGUV8PpFr9lmCdD 3RL5KnVgJ0SCoiZH0GG7LkaC8KwCshsUYm25Y2gDjNw qGg ?key=7F6omckHpq3qRd9q9kjzfQ

Enter Consumer Key and Consumer Secret from Salesforce Connected App

AD 4nXeqy2uYVM52V6KV4OoG0JFAZqlsLovQM9ygbpBRVzLWCOYpbEJ1cbnjeKcIsN

Link Salesforce account of the administrator to SalesGRID via OAuth. This fetches the sales process stages.

AD 4nXeGedZ6JTHVIXPMaxoPl0ekqOvsJe9kkgpup8cVrbEbh BO ofwcQkldb tvitbPcu0mN2NHpDcPUV80Qk2BCA85eMpbdX3AAY6Yiu EtG1i4ZSCvwacpSVu1J JwXJKyJ6LtwPPY0BhuUqS81309 FlUhv?key=7F6omckHpq3qRd9q9kjzfQ

After the Salesforce login, the administrator has to grant permission for SalesGRID to access Salesforce data.

AD 4nXeaXC71BjSbWnbEsYXoKj5sgOjsx1SZRF4NRMVg86qKes9jvJAdb384OalvBb1BWN6gYIlq VIGng9ZAqTrriOJuhA0eFvNNy203tQohKNXdqSJERAkxIzF4pmQmJBtOT0e6C2Bi1UbNM I1xhsSa LFtU?key=7F6omckHpq3qRd9q9kjzfQ

Select SalesGRID playbook to fetch sales process stages into.

AD 4nXdc02OMS4feHECpFUx4dpBhF6I34JaKToPkPbanaCzYwZ9hFqr3C1QqoWQ5li7KF 46A1BPWsD td9iDzIdSzUTdsPJYgjH87gaJqEcnIaYS4LKl0x8f3y3j dT vJ6 HKL0C4orc8TmyuZ5oUkzdr1dW0?key=7F6omckHpq3qRd9q9kjzfQ

The administrative connection between the two systems is done.

AD 4nXfvruKpx

User – Link Salesforce Account to SalesGRID

Once the administrative connection between the two systems is established, individual users can now connect their Salesforce accounts to SalesGRID.

Go to User Menu -> Profile -> Connect Salesforce

After the Salesforce login, the user has to grant permission for SalesGRID to access Salesforce data.

AD 4nXeaXC71BjSbWnbEsYXoKj5sgOjsx1SZRF4NRMVg86qKes9jvJAdb384OalvBb1BWN6gYIlq VIGng9ZAqTrriOJuhA0eFvNNy203tQohKNXdqSJERAkxIzF4pmQmJBtOT0e6C2Bi1UbNM I1xhsSa LFtU?key=7F6omckHpq3qRd9q9kjzfQ

Once that is done, the user’s accounts are linked. Deals from Salesforce will appear in the Salesforce playbook. Salesforce deals are marked with the AD 4nXedveN7X4sDhZ1XuQZbgZES1U92EeK13B4oiP1i1ihvHrXDQDuwUjyRlLPE1VXSOMdLGslGFgL4YfhZ3154CGzI TkzU ntdesiJF7ezLkMkSalesforce logo. 

AD 4nXfijLfVKH0mjIjMbj3O6msgNXU5s22rqruubTJS4WZ1sqbW0pVG xBMJzjBLaeQI LqHRfatGZ6J4MEEQ XBjk8He1Or6J2ObQu3ndjiue6s76MAttxvKycDA h9EwSSLmoCNTnmf7I6PXpUzKB6tDgooah?key=7F6omckHpq3qRd9q9kjzfQ

Salesforce is the leading system, so opportunities from Salesforce are transmitted to SalesGRID, but not from SalesGRID to Salesforce. Opportunity changes such as name change or moving an opportunity into another stage are also transmitted from Salesforce to SalesGRID. 


User Access Revocation

Individual users can revoke access at any time, which unlinks the deals from Salesforce, but keeps the deals in SalesGRID.

Go to User Menu -> Profile -> Disconnect Salesforce

AD 4nXfvgmLlYjisT5ImJEReci7C9vVT8i4 pp5W3t7Iz Cj Zgmd389nzghdt9cHtJQwvGhV oLu4 LKHzhZTmfoWuuB74R9kyOQAdCz5ear0cQzLgf8KokKvfZHBxWNogDAAFWca

Administrator Disconnect

The administrator can also disconnect Salesforce at any time, in which case all user access is removed, and the playbook stages are unlinked, The stages and deals remain in SalesGRID.

Go to User Profile -> My Company -> Disconnect Salesforce

AD 4nXfGAUEu1m LlPuUcCcCtWPwbg7qBa1jrhHHt 3Bd2rGQZHPmsjZGfMKvuneGYJtf4Caybs7HqA0VxUo0HdxvcHGvf2CSd6qYz1aH1ON
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